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Snort Studios LLC Privacy Policy


This Privacy Policy describes how and when Snort Studios LLC, an Oregon limited liability company (“Snort Studios”, “we”, “us”, or “our”), and our website (“Website”) and game software (“Game”) (collectively, the Website and Game are “Services”) accesses, collects, or transmits your personally identifiable information (such as name, address, email address) and device data when using our Services. If you do not want your personal information to be accessed, collected, or transmitted in the ways described in this Privacy Policy when using one of our Services, you should not use that Service.


Our Game Does Not Collect Your Information Or Data


Our Game does not access, collect, store, or transmit your personal information or device data. The Game engages in no ad targeting, data mining, or other activities that may compromise your privacy.


Because we do not have access to such information or data, we cannot and do not use it and cannot provide it to any third parties, and there is no need to request its deletion.


The Game does create a one-time use token that is unique to each game session, which allows you to re-enter a game session if you lose connection or accidentally leave an in-progress session. However, this token is deleted after each game session, and does not otherwise capture any of your personally identifiable information.


Email and Website Policy


Information Collected. We may collect email addresses, names, and other personally identifiable information that you provide to us when you contact us through email, or through contact forms on our Website. Only the information you include in the email or contact form is collected. In addition, we may collect email addresses and other personally identifiable information that users provide to one of our third-party partners and they in turn provide to us, such as through electronic storefronts selling our Game.


Use of Provided Information. We may use the information you provide for performing services (such as responding to your email or contact request), or to provide you with promotional information concerning us and our games if to our knowledge you “opted in” to receive promotional information. We do not share your personal information with any third parties except solely as necessary for our third-party vendors to provide these services (for example, sharing with our email and website hosts or a third-party email customer management system).


Children's Privacy. Should a child whom we know to be under 18 send personal information to us, we will use that information only to respond to that child to inform them that they cannot use our website or contact us via email, and we will not retain the personal information.


Option to Delete Your Information and Opt-Out of Promotional Notices. If you would like us to delete any personally identifiable information you provided to us or to stop receiving promotional emails from us, you may contact us at and we will honor your request within ten business days.


Updates to Terms. We reserve the right to update or modify our terms of use, including this Privacy Policy, for our Services at any time, and will notify you of any update or modification. Your use of our Services following any update or modification constitutes your agreement to follow and be bound by the new terms. The updates or modifications will not be retroactive, and the most current version of the terms will govern our relationship with you if you continue to use the Services following the update or modification.


Contact us. If you have any questions, comments, or concerns about this Privacy Policy or our practices, please contact us at